Friday, February 18, 2011

Using Stuff You Have For Curtains On Closet Door

Dogs in space: Belka and Strelka

Nearly three years after the dog Laika in November 1957, died of stress and hyperthermia, the Soviets sent August 19, 1960 (Sputnik 5) dogs Belka and Strelka ( Белка and Стрелка) in space. These two animals were the first dogs to return alive to a space mission. The tests included in the tasks of dogs allowed to open the way for manned space flights, particularly to the achievement of Yuri Gagarin's April 12, 1961 which celebrates the fiftieth anniversary in a few weeks. The excellent slideshow Ria Novosti, quoted in late post, we said that from July 1951 to June 1960, there were 29 flights in the stratosphere of dogs, 9 had a tragic end. In total, the USSR sent at least 48 dogs into space.

Belka and Strelka near the Europa stamp 2009 on Astronomy.

The 50th anniversary of the dogs Belka and mission Strelka,
a Russian program of 29 October 2010.

For the record, Strelka had puppies one of which was donated to Kennedy: we can see a photograph of Jackie Kennedy family in 1963 on the site Air & Space Smithsonian.

animals have opened the way to space.

Recensons animals sent into space so dogs, rats, cats, monkeys, jellyfish, snails, turtles, fruit flies, to test the effects of micro-gravity (gravitational biology), radiation cosmic acceleration. Currently, it is the reproductive problems in space that are the subject of attention, to prepare the long flights. Here a list of animals.

, France wanted to send a stray cat in 1963 in Paris, who escaped, and it finally Félicette who was entitled to the spacecraft. Apparently Félicette is the first cat said space. A page of a site in tribute to this pioneer cat shows a sheet of Chad mixing the Apollo astronauts, and Laika Félicette, and makes me smile on this subject yet serious.

Félicette, the first cat in space,
in October 1963.

The plan was to insert a video on animals in space, but noting that YouTube adding an advertisement for dog food, I gave up.

Thanks Vladimir.



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