Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How Can I Give My 49yr. Old Wife A Orgasom

O Delights on your iPhone and iPod touch: 500 illustrated recipes for 2,99 €! Find your iphone!

revenue collection Ôdélices [ AppStore , € 2.99] are now available on iPhone and iPod Touch. The various books published by Editions Mango and a selection of recipes on the website were worn by Anuman Interactive in an application that includes 500 recipes illustrated and classified by seasons / categories (appetizers, entrees, quiches , pies, cakes, fruit, etc.).

sent Anuman -Interactive. - More tips and tricks on video.

A search mode allows a detailed recipe by entering the names of the ingredients or the recipe. It also helps to find a recipe by season, by category or by preparation time.

The application suggests a recipe each day, and also offers a recipe to get surprised by shaking the iPhone.

In the "my delight", the user can save his favorite recipes for easy retrieval.

An integrated converter simplifies your preparation: for example it tells you how many teaspoons are needed to obtain 50 grams of sugar

Note that all recipes are available directly in the application, which does not require any internet connection to view them.

Application "500 recipes Ôdélices" is available on the AppStore in category "Lifestyle" from August 14, 2009 at the introductory price of 2.99 € TTC each.